ASv A_n]m¯ skàn Bt\ SoÀ¨]m]pw tbm`ohnWv fWhn`mkpw… {NnfntWmaKn
s{X]nWnWnPnsâ emPw B]n Aks^ bYn¸n¡p¶Sm\v..
ASpsNm*m\v tImUyw tImUn¡pt¼m tbm`ohv {bSn]psX N®n tWm¡n tImUn¡p¶Sv..NÅw
b_ªm As¸m Ss¶ ¢n¸v CXpN]pw sI¿pw .. )
bäpw hmÀ ..
B Nnak³ b\n S¶ AsS Wm\]¯n Ss¶ lnkWy Sn^n¨Xn¨p..
A]mÄ Sm³ b_ªSv knlzhns¨¶p AkÄ¡p fWhn`m]n
A]mÄ _qfn Wn¶pw C_§n tbm]n…
At¸mÄ ASm k^p¶p NpXn¨p bqhm]n Ssâ Aѳ.. Nm^v ss{ZkÀ A]msa Sm§n
AkÄNv ASv N*]pXsW tUgyw k¶p..
Fs´ms¡]m AÑm CSv…??? AkÄ Io_n…
tfmsa thm_n…..
CSnWm\tà Vm k^p¶p F¶v b_ªp tbm]Sv… Mm³ f½nt]mXv b_ªp sNmXp¡pw…
At¿m tk* tfmsa …..
Fsâ N¿n bnXn¡m³ ImªSpw dm`³hv sSän S_]n kojm³ tbm]n…
iqcv…… Ct§m«p km… CSm _qw….
A]mapw NmÀ ss{Zk_pw NqsX AÑsW bnXns¨\o¸n¨p sNm*v N«n`n sNm*v NnX¯n..
NnX¯n] DX³ Ss¶ Aѳ D_§n…
Mm³ NpWnªp Wn¶v AÑsâ gq Du^n fmän…
NmÀ ss{ZkÀ Aksa Ss¶ tWm¡n Wn`vbp*m]n^p¶p…
knaª fpjp¯ B¸nÄ tbms`]m\v sb®v… {dm CÃm¯ fpa]psX Wnº`pw I´n]pw A]msa
N¼n B¡n…
AkÄ Sn^nªp Wn¶t¸mÄ sgZn]nÃm¯ AkapsX I´n ]psX CX]nt`¡v AkapsX
sdÀfpZ N]_n C^n¡p¶Sv A]mÄ N*p…
AkÄ A]msa tWm¡n sI_ªp … F´m…..?
As¸m A]mÄ AkÄ¡p tWs^ b¸]v¡]psX NkÀ Wo«n…
AkÄ ASv km§n….
A]mapsX fpO¯v H^p Aanª In`n D*m]n^p¶p….
lnkWy]v–¡p AkÄ b\n sI]vSp sk¨n«p*m]n^n¡psfWv A]mÄ¡v– fWhn`Ãm]n^p¶p…
“”¹ohv sPäv Hu«v””…. A]msa tWm¡n AkÄ b_ªp
“”500 _p¸ohv ..XmN-vhn
Please dont stop the story here. Expecting more parts with more and more kinkyness and excitement.
Waiting eagerly…
Part 3 is on its final stage….
U can expect more at part 3. I gaurentee..
I will not make u disappointed
Readers anybody likes beastality.. Fetism.. Ganbang?,, next partil ethu venam.. Atho notmal mathiyo
ശിവന്യക്ക് ഇനിയൊരു പുനർജന്മമുണ്ടോ???